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1. List & Label Enterprise Edition

Category: Reporting Type:Tools

With the report generator List & Label, software developers need only a few lines of code to equip their own applications with reports, forms, lists, diagrams, labels, serial mails, export functionalities etc.

2. List & Label Professional Edition

Category: Reporting Type:Application/Tool

List & Label makes it easy to enhance your applications by adding only a few lines of code to include all types of evaluations: reports, subreports, simple lists, multi-tables, crosstabs, charts, forms, labels, printing, preview, export and web reporting. The List & Label Report Designer is included in the Standard, Professional and Enterprise editions and allows you to quickly and easily enhance your application with powerful features. It can be passed on with most desktop applications without paying any further royalty fees. The Professional and Enterprise Editions include a subscription which gives you service packs, feature upgrades and upgrades to major versions, phone and email support for 1 year. The Enterprise Edition also includes runtime licenses for Server / Web Server applications and all available List & Label Language Kits for Designer.

3. List & Label Standard Edition

Category: Reporting Type:Tools

With the report generator List & Label, software developers need only a few lines of code to equip their own applications with reports, forms, lists, diagrams, labels, serial mails, export functionalities etc.With the List & Label Report Designer you can quickly and easily enhance your application with powerful features. It can be passed on with most desktop applications without paying any further royalty fees.

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