Aspose.Words for .NET is an advanced class library for .NET that enables you to perform a wide range of document processing tasks directly within your .NET applications.
Aspose.Words for .NET supports DOC, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB and other formats. With Aspose.Words you can generate, modify, convert, render and print documents without using Microsoft Word.
Common Uses
Perform mail merge
Add barcodes to your Word documents
Generate reports using mail merge
Insert formatted text, paragraphs, images, tables and other content into a Word document
Populate a table in a Word document using data retrieved from a database
Create mailing labels
Insert a diagram into a Word document
Combining documents, moving sections between documents, and mail merging images stored in files outside of the database
Mail merge data from multiple tables, format date and numeric fields
Insert a watermark into a document