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RegExpr adds regular expressions to Visual Basic 5.0, 6.0 and VBA.
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Aivosto Regular expr   99.00 AddtoCart
RegExpr adds regular expressions to Visual Basic 5.0, 6.0 and VBA.

RegExpr for VB/VBA is a code module with support for a full range of regular expressions. Implemented as pure VB source code, it does not require any additional run-time libraries.


RegExpr for VB/VBA implements a full range of regular expressions. It"s not a subset such as VB"s Like. It doesnt require any OCXs or DLLs.


RegExpr supports a wide range of regular expression types.

  • x* Zero or more x"s

  • x+ One or more x"s

  • x? One or zero x"s

  • x{m,n} At least m and at most n x"s

  • [A-Z] Any uppercase character A-Z

  • . Any single character except a newline

  • \w Any alphanumeric character

  • \d Any digit (the same as [0-9])

System Requirements

RegExpr works with Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0. It also works with Visual Basic for Applications in Word 97 or later, in Excel 95 or later, and in Access 95 or later.